Monday, 16 April 2012

First National Gatka Cup 2012 AT Paunta Sahib

Waheguru ji ka khalsa 
Waheguru ji ki fateh ...

We got third  position in first national cup 2012 gatka demostration at paunta sahib as wel as
seventhousand one hundered rupees cash in prize , eleven sheilds along with certificates.

Special thanks TO :- Jathedar S. Gurcharan Singh (Gatka Master) .

All is succefully done only with the hardwork of our 10 players team who performed great . Names :- Gurpreet Singh , Harpreet Singh , Charanjeet Singh , Ranjit Singh , Harvinder Singh , Harpreet Singh , Amritpal Singh , Rajvinder Kaur , Sanjeet Singh , Daljeet Singh .

Monday, 2 April 2012

AT talkatora stadium first national competetion in delhi and we won third prize: 11000rs sheild , medals , and certificates..... special thank : Jathedar . Gurcharan singh ji (gatka master) ...

In this video the demostration demostrate by, our (Tilak branch)  at delhi cant in delhi zone competetion and won third prize: rs. 11000 along with a sheild and medals .....